Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Over the past few weeks, there has been some discussion regarding the chapel attendance policy. There have been a few suggestions, through editorials to the star and through individual conversations, such as requiring faculty attendance, reducing the skip count, and Will’s test of will (to go to chapel). But then, the conversation stopped. I’d like to prevent that. I’ve created a blog/forum so that this and other similar conversations like it, don’t stop, that they continue to either a mutual understanding or a change in policy.

I think requiring faculty attendance will accentuate the lack of participation in the last third of the semester and that people will not voluntarily go to chapel (whether for busyness or other reasons). What do you all think? Perhaps through these conversations your opinion may be heard. I plan on posting different issues similar to this, like the fiscal responsibility of SGA to fund or not to fund ROTC, among others on a regular basis.

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