Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Chapel Scanning

Situation: people don't go to more than 2/3 of chapels and the last 1/3 is embarassing. However, Houghton feels it is necessary for students to have spiritual nourishment (appropriately so).

Outlook: A certain prof suggested we go back to assigned seating and hope that those who truly want to be in chapel will positvely influence those who do not. It will also prevent the 'homework doing' in the back of the balcony. However, I think it will more likely disrupt those who try to get something out of chapel and make things seem more authoritarian. As I said in the first post, I dont think Will's idea will work. It's essentially what happens the second and third last weeks of the semester - after people have largely completed their requirement (and no longer have to go to chapel) and before those who have put it off to the end are required to attend the rest.

What I suggested to the aforementioned prof is that we have a chapel on monday and wednesday, and require faculty to lead small groups as an analysis and application time. This will allow for faculty participation, increase the funding for the chapels by 33% (hopefully making them better), allow for a more realistic "what can we do?" application, allow us to interact with students that we wouldn't normally get to know, and still have time to get to our 11:50 classes :-)


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