Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ode to 'Emailer #2'

Questions were raised regarding the 'Let the Pseudo-Houghtoning Begin!' post and they are as follows:

1) "The President likely signs the letters" - this point i will partially concede. I knew this to be the case with President Chamberlain because my wife was asked to sign letters in his name but refused because she thought it was unethical to do so. However, i do not know for sure that the same is true of President Mullen - 30 years of history doesn't necessarily mean the same is true this year

2) "Name ONE school that doesn't put its' best foot forward" - this is really two arguments, that the school is actually putting its' best foot forward and that other schools do it, too. If it's only putting the best foot forward, why is the other foot denied existence? Quoting Michelle (the tour guide who commented) "We are supposed to ignore all flaws, no matter how big they are. [O]ne of the reasons people transfer out of Houghton is because of the false picture we paint." As for the other schools, since when is "everybody else does it" an acceptable excuse?

3) "Does he not have friends in professors, no discipline or classes he loves?" Yes, I do. Why?

4) "Why does he hate Houghton so?" Besides the fact that my hatred is an assumption that i'll deny, the heart of the question is answered by the fact that there are so many inconsistencies in what Houghton is and what Houghton is claimed to be.

5) "How many friends with Blacks, Hispanics and Orientals does he have?" Five that i can think of, and one of them is having their birthday today (4/12) thanks for reminding me.

6) "Does that answer why there are few here [?]" No. My friendship with minorities has never been considered when judging acceptance for prospectives into houghton.

7) "Where is this guy coming from?" Rochester, NY

8) "Does he accept mentoring from [Professor Hegeman]?" Yes, I believe he's been my mentor for two and a half years now.

9) "Why?" Because I believe it is wise to learn from men who have greater knowledge and experience with being in this world, as both a man and a man of God.

10) "What are their motives -- to make profit? The pay? To seduce people into a scam?" 'Their' is referring to everyone involved in Houghton. Where would Houghton be without making money? The higher purpose in mind wouldn't be able to exist outside of the mind without it. I have no knowledge regarding the pay of any faculty or staff member - is it motivating? I think hearing that money is the motive for Houghton is shocking because it is termed as something else- enrollment. I've heard goals for enrollment increases - 1400 students is the mark. Are there salvation goals? 50 new christians every year? If there are, I've never heard a single one.

11) "Why do the hardworking Pioneer staff work -- to make horrible meals?" No, it's to make a profit, of that I'm sure. It'd be hard to argue that they serve week old pizza or brown fruits and vegetables because they're working for the Lord, not for men (Col. 3:23). More about this in a future post.

12) "Do any of them actually like to think they are serving Jesus?" I'm sure they do.

13) "How many staff members and adminsitrators have someone like [you] and sat and talked to about their motives?" No idea. Does lying make you feel better if you have good motives?

14) "Why do we even work here -- for sinister, falsifying, evil reasons?" Again, i have no knowlege in this area to speak intelligently on the issue. However, if I were Satan sending a person with sinister, falsifying, evil reasons to work someplace, it would be an area without built in temptations of a city, a Christian place where I, as Satan, would have the most to gain.


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